Talent development and graduate programs

Individual effectiveness can also be delivered virtually
If you want an

Excellent graduate programme or talent programme

The talent programme can be integrated into your graduate programme, and stands out as clarifying, motivating and goal setting. Your talents are challenged and made more self-aware with exercises rooted in the latest motivational psychology.

Ignite your talent

1 day workshop
All talents or graduates receive a psychological profile, which makes them self-aware on crucial parameters for talent development. Targeted work is done on blind spots and on possible weaknesses, as well as on particular strengths and passions. The talent discovers him- or herself in a radically new and healthy way. What should I stretch myself on to develop my talent here?

5 essential talent management tools

1 day workshop
Each talent is trained to use specific tools in their own personal development. The exercises challenge their behaviour, habits, beliefs and mindset in general. The workshop is important for their further competence development, performance and potential in the organisation. Wow – do I have all these tools under my belt?

Make the most of your talent

1 day workshop
The talent group has been working together in real life for some time now, so we are looking at real events from the perspective of social psychology. They are trained to act as coaches for each other, while we identify each talent’s specific goals in the organisation and at a personal level. We anchor meaning and purpose. We empower each other and achieve our goals?

Talentprogrammet kan designes til jeres specifikke ønsker. Andre moduler kan ligeledes kobles på talentudviklingen.


from talent programmes of 2021
The statements are anonymised due to GDPR, but references can be provided upon request and consent.

Dilemma 1

for YOUR talent!

Outcomes and impact of Ambitious Teams' Talent development and graduate programmes:

Every single talent...
Will be aware of the success parameters to develop his/her talent.
Will be able to anchor own efforts and goals.
Will be action-oriented and highly motivated to pursue his/her goals.
Will have acquired relevant skills to meet the targets.

All of them must consciously enjoy growing, not only as talents, but also as persons.